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Soal dan Jawaban bahasa inggris Kelas 8 dan 9

Berikut Adalah 25 Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa inggris Kelas 8 dan 9

1. From the text above we know that ….
A. The young female driver drove carefully
B. The writer’s father did nothing in the case
C. The writer had no experience of driving a car
D. The police came to the location of the accident

The following text is for questions 27 to 29.
Let's start with easy instructions on how to tie a tie with the four-in-hand knot as an example. Follow the images as if you were looking into a mirror at your reflection.
1. Start with the wide end on your right. Extend it about 12" below the narrow end of your necktie.
2. Cross the wide end over the narrow, and back underneath.
3. Bring the wide end around passing it across the front of the narrow.
4. Pass the wide end up through the loop.
5. Hold the knot loosely and pass the wide end down through the loop in front.
6. Hold the narrow end of the tie and slide the knot up snug. (Taken from www.how-to-tie-a-tie.org)

2. “Follow the images as if you were looking into a mirror at your reflection” The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….
A. lines
B. steps
C. pictures
D. instructions

3. “Start with the wide end on your right. Extend it about 12" below the narrow end of your necktie”. What does the underlined word refer to?
A. mirror
B. necktie
C. wide end
D. narrow end

4. The text is written to ….
A. describe the ways to draw a tie
B. tell the procedure of making a tie
C. describe tips on how to tie a tie
D. inform tips on how to draw a tie

The following text is for questions 30 to 33.
Geckos are small to middle size lizards. Lizards are reptiles. There are 1196 different kinds of geckos. They live in many warm countries. Some kinds of geckos go into people's houses. People are often happy to have them because geckos eat many insects. Unlike most lizards, geckos have voices. A gecko sounds a little like a bird or a frog. In some languages, these lizards have names that sound like their calls, for example, both English and Indonesian call one kind gecko (gek KO) and tokay (toKAY). 

Another kind of gecko, with a different sound, is called chicak (CHEE chak). Geckos have no eyelids. Instead, they have a clear membrane (skin) over their eyes. They lick the membrane clean with their tongues. Like most lizards, they can regenerate their tail if they need to. Many kinds of geckos can walk on walls, windows and ceilings. They can do this because they have special toe pads. A microscope can show that each toe pad is made of thousands of hair-like structures. Each of these structures branches into many smaller ends.

5. What does the text mostly talk about?
A. Geckos.
B. Lizards.
C. Reptiles.
D. Insects.

6. The main idea of the second paragraph is that geckos ....
A. can walk on walls
B. have no eyelids
C. have voices
D. are small

7. “They can do this because they have special toe pads” (Paragraph 4)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. To eat many insects.
B. To regenerate their tail if they need to.
C. To walk on walls, windows, and ceilings.
D. To lick the membranes clean with their tongues.

8. Why do some people like to have geckos at their homes?
A. Because they eat many insects.
B. Because they can walk on walls.
C. Because they have different voices.
D. Because their tails can be regenerated.

The following text is for questions 34 to 36.
My school is one of my favorite places in town. It is a green and beautiful school. It has many large trees which make the air around my school very fresh and clean. It covers a very large area surrounded by high fences. Overall, it has buildings are arranged to form a rectangle with a field in the middle commonly used as a sports place.

When entering the school, we are greeted by a billboard saying “Let’s go forward with us” in front of the gate. Two security men are on duty near the gate every day. After passing through the gate, we pass a parking area that can accommodate all vehicles of the teachers and students. Going inside, we can see the main building of my school. 

The building is quite large. Every morning the headmaster and teachers always line up in front of it to welcome the students. Behind the main building stand the classrooms. On the right side, there are classes for the 1st and 2nd grades, while on the left side, the classes for the 3rd grade. In front of every classroom, there are small flower gardens which add to the beauty of my school. We like to play and learn there.

My school also has a large canteen. It is located behind the hall. I enjoy having lunch there. My school’s canteen sells a lot of foods like snacks, cakes, meatballs, fried chicken, rice, noodles, and various drinks. Though it sells a variety of foods and drinks, it is always kept clean.

9. Where are the students welcomed every morning?
A. In front of the main building.
B. In front of the school gate.
C. In the school parking area.
D. In the sports place.

10. Paragraph 4 tells us that ....
A. the writer’s school canteen is large
B. the school’s flower gardens are small
C. the writer’s school is green and beautiful
D. the classrooms are behind the main building

11. It can be concluded from the text that the writer’s school ....
A. is nice and comfortable to learn and play
B. is not a secure place for the students
C. is comfortable only for the teachers
D. does not have any good facilities

The following text is for questions 37 to 39.
Turtles used to live on the land, they say, until the time a clever turtle was caught by some hunters. They brought him to their village and placed the turtle before the chief, who said, "How shall we cook him?" "You'll have to kill me first," said the turtle, "and take me out of this shell." "We'll break your shell with sticks," they said. "That'll never work," said the turtle, "Why don't you throw me in the water and drown me?!" "An excellent idea," said the chief. 

They took the turtle to the river and threw him into the water to drown him. They were congratulating themselves on their success in drowning the turtle, when two little green eyes poked up in the water and the laughing turtle said, "Don't get those cooking pots out too fast, foolish people! As he swam away, he said, "I think I'll spend most of my time from now on, safely in the water."
It has been that way ever since!

12. How did the turtle save himself?
A. By killing himself.
B. By deceiving the chief.
C. By taking himself out of the shell.
D. By drowning the chief in the river.

13. “You'll have to kill me first.” The underlined word refers to ....
A. the turtle
B. the chief
C. this shell
D. their village

14. What can you learn from the story?
A. Don’t look down at others.
B. Always believe in yourself.
C. Be careful with your tongue.
D. Don’t easily believe in others.

The following text is for questions 40 to 42.
That was my first day at senior high school. That was the first flag ceremony in that school year. I felt so nervous because I would have to join an orientation program for the next few days. Some new students came late so that they got a punishment before they could enter the gate. After the flag ceremony, I immediately went to the classroom. I felt an awkward situation in the classroom. I didn’t know anyone of them. It seemed that no one was my junior high schoolmate. I decided to sit in the front row. There was still an empty seat. Then, someone came and sat beside me. She was Putri. She was more talkative than me. She helped me to melt the situation. She was very funny, too. I was so happy to have her as my new classmate.

I was enjoying my conversation with Putri when suddenly my seniors came to the classroom. They appointed me to come to the front and asked me to introduce myself. I was shocked. I stood up and started to introduce myself. After I had introduced myself, they still didn’t allow me to sit down. They asked me to keep standing up there looking foolish. I was so afraid and started to tremble. I was still there and the whole class started laughing at me.

15. Whom did the writer know on the first day of school?
A. No one.
B. The seniors.
C. Some students.
D. The whole class.

16. Based on the text, we can conclude that Putri was ....
A. a new friend
B. an arrogant girl
C. a serious person
D. a foolish friend

17. ... and started to tremble. (Paragraph 3). The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A. shake
B. walk
C. jump
D. run.

For questions 43 to 45, complete the paragraph with the correct words. The water lily is a plan of the aquatic Nymphaeaceae family. The plant is found in any fresh, still water throughout the warm temperate regions. Though people cultivate this plant in containers or ponds, it can grow naturally. The plant can grow (43) ... from the seed. The water lily is a beautiful plant. It has round leaves. The leaves may (44) ... or submerge. The (45) ... has four sepals, many petals, and stamens. The color of this flower may be white, pink, yellow, violet, or blue. When blossoming, it sometimes smells good. Some species of this plant open by day and close at night; others open at night and close by day. The life span of the flowers is usually only three days.

A. easily
B. wildly
C. scarcely
D. strangely

19. A. seed
B. branch
C. flower
D. leave

20. A. hang
B. float
C. stand
D. lie

For questions 46 to 48, complete the paragraph with the correct words. Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. (46) Then, we built our tent next to a small river. It was getting (47) ... and colder, so we built a campfire. The next day, we spent our time observing plantations and insects while the girls were preparing meals.

In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held an exciting campfire night. Cheerfully we sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us (48) ... a standing comedy. On Monday, we packed our bags and went home feeling happy

A. Then
B. After
C. Firstly
D. Lastly

A. clearer
B. darker
C. hotter
D. nicer

A. performed
B. disliked
C. played
D. heard

24. Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence
for(1) have(2) some fish(3) in(4) caught(5) the lake(6) our dinner(7) we(8)
A. 8 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 1 - 3
B. 8 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 - 7
C. 8 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 - 6
D. 8 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 6

25. Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence
dominant(1) are(2) they(3) considered(4) as(5) anything(6) komodo dragons(7) eat(8) predators(9) almost(10)
A. 7 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 9 – 5 – 3 – 8 – 10 – 6
B. 7 – 8 – 6 – 10 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 9 – 1
C. 7 – 2 – 4 - 8 – 10 – 6 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 9
D. 7 – 8 – 10 – 6 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 9

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